Last updated 3 years ago
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This page represents our master plan, for software development see the Development Plan section for more details.
Quarter 1, 2021
We use our special ability that turns coffee into a code.
Launch beta version of LoremBoard.
Fix bugs & get user's requirements.
Recruit more sleepless crew to the team.
Settle up required infrastructures.
Upgrade to V2
Launch release candidate version of LoremBoard.
Launch stable release version of LoremBoard. (detail)
Launch an IFO.
Connect 3 more chains.
Setup usage tiers.
Quarter 4, 2021
Korea marketing start
Execute initial AirDrop program.
Setup Dividend environments (Ads, API, Contract)
Internal test Best Rate Limit order
Integrate advertisement system. (detail)
Execute airdrop program. (detail)
Execute criterion reward program monthly.
NFT Member (optional)