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LoremBoard provides services that will generate revenue (detail). Lorem Holder will get the DVN-airdrop by the ratio of shares.
Because we used the word 'dividend', it may not be legal from the regulator rules so we have to change it to 'DVN-airdrop'.
Lorem Token contract has a feature called 'snapshot', snap lorem holding data, the DVN-airdrop ratio will be calculated from the snapped data.
The user who uses this service will be charged a fee, this fee will be separated into 2 parts 'LoremBoard Operation Cost' and 'DVN-Airdrop'
For now, we are currently determining the ratio of both parts.
(Detail of functions can be read from Multi-chain best rate limit order)
We are currently determining what is the best way we pay LOREM holders the DVN-airdrop. The LOREM holder will get the DVN-airdrop from our customer payment or any revenue channels.
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